Monday, April 23, 2012

Similarities, Differences, Judgment


  1. Your music is very powerful, and dynamic music. I really liked the first and last that you showed us.

    You and I were both born in Europe. We had the same 'road blocks' as you would call them. I never really could figure out what I wanted, I had a number of different jobs when I was young. When I found what I wanted to do I loved it.

    My parents were dead before they could appreciate my art which was really sad. They really couldn't help me on my journey to find my voice in this big world.

  2. Mr. Reinhart, I see you are from Switzerland, its a beautiful country that someday I would love to visit. I see Oskar Kokoscha was one of your friends. My husband Alfred loved Oskars paintings... we used to laugh at how he signed his paintings, O.K.
    I see you were married five times, Mr. Reinhart perhaps you should get to know Ms. Swanson, she has beaten you by one companion. You probably will have a lot in common!
    Your most important accomplishment you will be remembered by is your Winterthur Villa, I think it is generous of you to set up a place for artists to live, gather, and share ideas. This villa will be a lasting memory of you. My friends visit me in New Mexico, but I am not as generous as you to open my home to other artists. When I am gone I suspect that my house will be turned into a museum unlike yours that turned into a happy creative environment. Although our work is different I think our personalities are similar, we would probably get along well.

  3. Mr. Reinhart, you are a very good composer from what I've heard. Ways we are similar, is that we are both composers and I conducted occasionally. Also we both seemed to have had marital problems.
    A difference between us, is that I seemed to have been more into composing than conducting, whereas you were the opposite. I'm jealous, that you were friends with Igor Stravinsky, I never really had any big-time music people (besides my parents and sister). I hope maybe one day you can give me your own personal thought on some of my compositions.

  4. Hello Mr. Reinhart! We have some similarities. We both love music and we both are pationate about it. We were also different. You are a composer and I am a dancer, singinger, and proformer. I have a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering. Why did you deside to become a composer instead of a proformer? What would you consider your style, because I didn't quite understand it. I wish to hear from you

  5. Mr. Reinhart, Hello it is a pleasure to meet you. One thing we have in common is that we love music. When I was in the silent movie era I had to act to music. But I don't really know that much about music. I am very excited to get to know you better.
    Gloria Swanson

  6. Mr. Reinhart, it is a true honor to meet you. We do have some similarities. One is that we both come from a very musical background. Both of our parents are musicians. Also we both love to compose music. As for me, I've never conducted any music because all the music I composed, I played. But besides those things I'm pretty sure as we begin to get to know each other, we will find more things that we have in common.
